Scarton Renato

Renato Scarton was born in Mel (Bl) in 1952, where he still lives.

The artist has taken part in several solo and collective shows in Italy and abroad. Among the latest locations in which he has exhibited his artworks could be mentioned Carlton House Terrace in London and Ipso Gallery in Perugia in 2006, Art Point222 in Vienna (At) in 2008 e Arco de Santa María in Burgos (Es) in 2010. 


He started the artistic activity in his youth. Inspired by the impressionists, in his artworks puts the landscape and the still life next to social themes, as it happens in La folla.

In the early Seventies, he attended a school of mosaic in Venice. This experience influences his mature work, which is characterized by an original gesture called dripping and a strong presence of the artworks obtained through rough materials like sacks, mortar, soil and, recently, glasses and mosaic.


"The substantive that can synthesize the artistic career of Renato Scarton is contamination. (…) The paintings become communicative acts which enclose the essence of the message in the significance of the materials combined and assembled with refined effects and suggestions." - Antonella Alban

Scarton Renato

Via Campo, 22 - 32026 Mel (BL) - IT

Tel: +39 0437.540153 - Mob. +39 339.7937646

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