Cofini Maurizio

Maurizio Cofini was born in 1956. He lives and works in Rome. At the beginning, he took up to the experimentation of the photography in the theater and in the reportage.


His artistic research investigates the marginatilities inside the inner reasons of their essence shunning the traditional categories and the “temptation of the beauty”.

In his artworks, the artist analyzes and unifies different elements of the real world overlapped with the abstract in one single shot.


He has exhibited his artworks in Italian and foreign cities like Rome, New York and Hanoi. His artworks are in permanency at the Theatre Quirino of Rome.

Maurizio Cofini has published three photographic books on the Asian cities.


"Cofini does not shoot photographies pressing a button with the finger, but he shoot them making the heart beat." - Corrado Ruggeri


"His work is the perspectival escape to places (of the mind? of the dream?) that are unreachable even if they are fixed in the photographic shoot." - Cetta Petrollo 

Cofini Maurizio

Via Nicolò III, 2 - 00165 Roma (RM) - IT

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