Corbinelli Lucia

Lucia Corbinelli lives and works in Empoli (Fi). She obtained the diploma of Fashion Designer Stylist at Istituto Tornabuoni in Florence studying with Anna Anni, a famous costumes in the theatre and in the cinema.


The artist develops a research of human shapes that is the continuation of her scholastic preparation. Inspired by the music of the composer Richard Wagner, Lucia Corbinelli gives life to her characters and her landscapes. She develops an investigation linked to the world of the science of Universe and in the wake of the Quantist, of which she gather the impulses and the simplicity of the language of the scientific theories.


"Nebulae, the entire, infinte, universe, always in movement in front of us, making us feel defenceless, small, overpowered by
this twist of colors, possibilities, emotions and sensations that are infused by an action so overwhelming as the artworks of such great eclectic artist in her spatiality, so profound in the communication of the true essence of the entire cosmo. Lucia Corbinelli, through a personal and original elaboration, recalls us that we are what we think, and that it is the human mind with its powerful energy, with the universal energy, that creates the reality. In these nebulae of white, light-blue, yellow, red and gold, that is never ornamental but metal, hues the artist looses herself in feelings and emotions in the conscious research in order to convey them to whom stops to look, and... everything remain action...

In conclusion, Lucia Corbinelli, with her technique, wisdom, constant love for life and humanity brings us to a continuous comparison in order to overtake the boundaries we make through brushes, spatulae but also hands. And everything happens!" - David Renard

Corbinelli Lucia

Via Curtatone e Montanara, 60 - 50053 Empoli (FI) - IT

Tel: +39 324.9999531

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