Balzano Stefano

Stefano Balzano was born in Barletta (Bg) in 1954.

He lives and works as doctor in Barletta.

At the beginning of his activity, he was inspired by Giuseppe De Nittis and realized impressionist artworks where the sea, with its iridescent and bright colors, was the privileged subject.

In the portraits, the artist drew the inspiration from Amedeo Modigliani.

Also Vasilij Kandinskij, for the musicality of the artworks, and Henry Matisse, for the luxurious element inspired Stefano Balzano.


After a short symbolistic period, Balzano was in influenced by the colors and the surrealistic mark of Van Gogh and of Claude Monet.


In the lasts years, the artist ranges from Mark Rothko’s Abstract Symbolism and from Jackson Pollok’s Action Painting and elaborates a personal language that complies with the intrinsic musicality of colors that can transfer instinctively and spontaneously his emotions on canvas.

Balzano Stefano

Via Ofanto, 20b - 76121 Barletta (BT) - IT

Tel: +39 338.8913971

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