Lucia Boni
Using tapesry technique on an upright tension loom, LUCIA BONI has been designing and creating her handwoven apparel since 1978.
Her armonious color schemes and use of fine yarns such as mohair, are the result of her personal mission to create exclusive items.
Each one of her handmade artifacts is unique, personalized and custom made.
In 1990 Lucia produced some of the costumes for the lead roles in Franco Zeffirelli film “Hamlet”. She is often invited to partecipate in collective and personal exhibitions in Italy and abroad (USA, Japan, Paris, etc.).
Lucia Boni
Via San Giovanni, 84 - 53037 San Gimignano (SI) - IT
Tel: +39 0577.942112
1 comments Write new
Ellen @gm Griffith
I purchased a simple poncho from your San Gimignano store in May 2019. It was basically a rectangle, that had been folded into a poncho style. The poncho I purchased has a tag that says: "Pon Nero / Cmmello Banda" The cost was 145,00 Euro. I would like to purchase another poncho. You had one in an ecru/cream color. I cannot find the poncho on your web site. Is it available for purchase directly from you? Many thanks in advance. Ellen Griffith