Acerbi Sergio

Sergio Acerbi was born in Tortona (Al) in 1954. He studied at Scuola Superiore d’Arte Applicata del Castello Sforzesco in Milan and at the studios of famous artists. Since the early eighties, he exhibits in Italy and abroad. He lives and works between Tortona and Milan.


In L’Albero Azzurro, which is included in the series Riflessioni cromatiche di un viaggiatore fantastico, Sergio Acerbi leaves the post-impressionist Realism for an expressionist painting characterized by simplified shapes where the color has the main role.


In Enigmi della Natura, the artist elaborates the natural world in metaphysical terms and organizes the space in a nearly geometrical equilibrium.


In the series Inconsistente Durezza, the image takes the shape of rocky aggregations, gnarled trees, isolated lands and vast expanses of sky.


In Cielomare, the artist transforms the picture in expressive sign. Here, the brushes are rhythmically disjoined and bring the two elements to mix up with each other, while the vibrant colors produce intense dramatic hues.


In Dimensione sconosciuta, Sergio Acerbi develops the mystic vision of an archetypical world populated by Physical Spirits and by Light Beings, which are bright presences in a space that is pure Energy and the source of a continuous movement, either generative and regenerative, that could be seen in the breaking of the stratified surface.


Sergio Acerbi’s artworks are in Italian and foreign private collections, such as those ones of Cesare Geronzi and Mikhail Gorbaciov.

Art experts like Rossana Bossaglia, Paolo Levi and Vittorio Sgarbi have written about Sergio Acerbi’s paintings.

Philippe Daverio has spoken of him.

The artist is in several art catalogues and publications: PROTAGONISTI DELL’ARTE. DAL XIX SECOLO AD OGGI, curated by Paolo Levi, EA Editore; ANNUARIO D’ARTE CONTEMPORANEA 2014, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, EA Editore; CATALOGO DELL’ARTE MODERNA, issues n. 49 (2013-2014), n. 50 (2014-2015), Cairo Mondadori; IL METAFORMISMO, curated by Giulia Sillato, 24 Ore Cultura (2016).

Acerbi Sergio

Via Ugone Visconti, 7 - 15057 Tortona (AL) - IT

Tel: +39 338.1018694

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