Di Puma Calogero Enrico

Enrico Calogero Di puma was born in Racalmuto (Ag).

Since 1984, he partaken in several exhibitions in Italy.

He is a polyhedric artist and paints mainly still lifes, flowers and landscapes through light brush strokes and tenuous hues which reveal an elegant style and a deep ability of interpretation.


Numerous critics have been interested in his work and have presented an exhaustive vision of the artist’s investigation:

“Di Puma researches the nature, which is meant as an harmony of lights and colors that give rise to a lyrical meditation able to constitute the most fecund soul of a widespread pictorial habit." - Tamara Paternoster


"In his artworks 'there is the Mediterranean vivacity of Magna Grecia, which is characteristic of Sicily'." - Antonino De Bono


"This mark could be described as a lyrical emphasis of an harmonious and poetic vision that is either musical and pictorial.”  - Giorgio Falossi


"Di Puma interprets the art with the delicate touch that every Poet makes his own through the enthusiasm of who loves the purity of the life and the lyric vagueness of the nature.” - Valerio Utri

Di Puma Calogero Enrico

Via G. Farrauto, 2 - 92020 Racalmuto (AG) - IT

Tel: +39 0922.942204

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