Pucci Osvalda

Osvalda Pucci was born in Siena. She lives and works in Arezzo.


She approached the painting when she was young. Her Artistic education occurred in her birthplace under the guidance of Plinio Tammaro (Painter and Sculpture) and of Teobaldo da Vinci from Florence (founder of Scultopittura).


Osvalda Pucci leads a research based on the power of the color, that is the distinctive feature of her whole production.
After she studied various artistic techniques, the Artist recognizes on the ancient technique dating back to 1400, “dell’olio spanto o spanso” the ideal way to express on canvas her messages and dedicates herself to its reinterpretation and its renewal.


This personal artistic experimentation is manifested through abstract subjects and intense symbolic expressions which are often of multiple meanings revealing a timeless world.


During the years the artist has took part in prestigious shoes and exhibitions in Italy and abroad, among which we could recall the Esposizione Triennale di Arti Visive of Rome, in 2014, and, the following year, the exhibition "Grazie Italia" of Biennale di Venezia, her presence at Rag. Factory Gallery Heneage Street in London and at the event Artisti per il Giubileo, at the Basilica di San Paolo in Rome.


… is, that of the artist, mainly a penser couleur (…) think color, which is warn, some visual conditions… they could be recur at the repertoire of way of painting of the twentieth century in order to state this work’s direct influence, as well as in the Informal story, in the Expressionism that opens up the century, especially the German one. This, also, because we could experience clear suggestions of symbolic quality which refer certainly at that culture and in which the idea of light, of metaphysical aroma worth manly more than pure expressive resultant (…).


Pucci Osvalda

Arezzo - 52100 Arezzo (AR) - IT



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