Carbone Valeria
Valeria Carbone was born in Turin.
She has taught Art Education at state Institutes for over twenty-five years.
Has attended Decoration and Painting courses at Accademia Albertina in Turin and a class of Art of Ravennate and Byzantine at the University of Bologna.
In 2002, she has attended the Corso Internazionale per l’Incisione Artistica in Urbino and the following year the Sumi-E course at the Dojo Zen Mokusho.
Valeria Carbone has taken part in several collective exhibitions and awards. She dedicates herself to painting since her youth.
Her artworks achieved the approval of Felice Casorati and Lucio Fontana.
In her paintings, the experimental characteristic merges with the stylistic elegance, producing highly communicative canvas.
Her artworks are in private collections and in several Italian museums.
“… In the lasts years, Valeria Carbone’s view of the world is changed again: some apprehensions are “exploded” without losing the grace and the elegance which always characterize her artworks. As the jackets that have irresistibly attracted her and have taken her hands off even before she has noticed it. What are them? What them represent for her and for us? The jacket is a wrapping. It is something that covers and protects superficially our body, a second skin that is in close contact with the outside. A second skin that we alter owing to the change of fashion or the use. However, under the jackets we hide something: ourselves, our body and our heart, that is beating. It seems that the artist would tell us that it is the time to slack the wrapping, to pile up the jackets and let them leave, alone.”
Carbone Valeria
Torino - Torino (TO) - IT
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