Cardone Roberto
Roberto Cardone lives and works in Pagnacco (Ud).
Since he was young, he frequents the studio of an old artist.
In 1961, he approached the fresco technique.
The artist partakes in several solo and collective shows in important Italian and foreign cities such as Rome, Venice, London and New York.
Among the public exhibitions there are L’Uomo, il Sogno e l’Acqua, organized by the municipality of Grado (Go) in collaboration with MiBACT at Museo Nazionale di Archeologia Subacquea dell’Alto Adriatico of Grado in 2012, and Riflessi di mare, orga- nized by Galeria Umelka of Bratislava with the patronage of Unione Slovacca delle Arti Visive and Unesco of Udine the following year.
Marine landscapes and fishermen are the privileged characters of his oils on canvas.
The artist is in Catalogo d’Arte Moderna Mondadori, where he obtained the critic highlight by the scientific committee. His artworks are in public and private collections.
"(...) There is a color that dominates his artworks. It is the blue in every its offshoots and confluences, a shade that produces an evocative reflection between the sky and the expanded sea. All this things are in a composition that assigns at the first element
the characteristic of a situation where the thicks and rarefactions are alternated. However, he expanse of the sea is a calm illusory surface where the slow movements of the men arrange sequences of usual work following a consolidated liturgy. Everything seems react to the peculiarity of the water with a transparency of things and people that is connected with the need of a more marked spirituality of the language. These misplace their individuality in an imperceptible appearance, they are presences that state themselves in the tight connection with the environment enlivened." - Enzo Santese from “Realismo e trasfigurazione“
Cardone Roberto
Via dei Pini, 10a - 33010 Pagnacco (UD) - IT
Tel: +39 333.9349745
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