Marin Federica
Federica Marin graduated in Architecture in Milan.
She works as architect, academic researcher and photographer in Udine.
She has exhibited in several solo and collective shows and has taken part in numerous events, among which the most significant ones are Spoleto Arte incontra New York, Miami meets Milano-International Art Exhibition, the 53° Biennale of Venice, the Olimpiadi dell’Arte in Rio de Janeiro, the EXPO in Milan, the Internazionale Italia Arte at the MIIT of Turin and the Esposizione Triennale di arti Visive in Rome.
The artist has won national and international prizes such as Premio alla Carriera in Florence and Premio Montecarlo.
She studies photography since she was young and has taken part in courses and workshops organized by the Politecnico of Milan and held by experts like Piero Pozzi, Roberta Valtorta and Paolo Rosselli.
Federica Marin integrates the investigation of the photographic medium with travels in different Countries and continents. Researching constantly new dimensions and unusual perspectives, the artist is oriented to an almost sensorial visual perception of the place that, through a kind of sublimation of it, it seems close to the abstraction.
Technically, the artist uses the traditional print on photographic paper beside the digital research either on large canvas and on plastic.
Her artworks are published in catalogues like CAM by Mondadori, Collezione Arte Contemporanea by SEA Italia, Fotografi in Toscana by Toscana Cultura and Scrivendo d’Arte by Circolo Culturale Il Colle.
Personalities like Licio Damiani, Isabella Deganis, Natale Zaccuri, Vito Sutto, Giancarlo Biasco, Fabrizio Borghini and Elena Gollini have written about her artworks.
Marin Federica
Via Sabotino, 1 - 33100 Udine (UD) - IT
Tel: +39 348.8249038
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