Martinelli Angela

Angela Martinelli was born in Bormio in 1977.

She attended the Art Academy of Como where she majored in Painting and Restoration.

In 1997, she started to exhibit in art galleries in Italy and abroad and in different editions of Arte Fiera.


Nowadays, she dedicates herself to restoration and to design of decorative furnishings and frescos.

Her artworks are inhabitated by paper sculptures which intersect each other creating a play of slight reliefs and recesses that enliven the surface.

The hermetic landscape conveys an intimate and dreamy atmosphere.

The paintings are visual stories organized in a “palimpsest” that suggests the direction the viewer has to follow in the intimate journey aimed at the research of the existential authenticity starting from the recollection, that is meant as a fragment of the memory.


Several art researchers such as Paolo Levi, Giorgio Grasso, Flavio De Gregorio and Sergio Dalla Val have written about Angela Martinelli.

Some of her artworks are published in Italian and foreign art magazines and catalogues like CATALOGO DELL’ARTE MODERNA-GLI ARTISTI ITALIANI DAL PRIMO NOVECENTO AD OGGI (issues from 47 to 52), D.O.C. Artisti su cui investire (2016), Biennale della Germania Luxury Art (2016), Maestri. SELEZIONE D’ARTE Contemporanea (2016) and COLLEZIONE ARTE CONTEMPORANEA-EDIZIONE EXPO (2015).

Martinelli Angela

Via alle Fontane, 5 - 23038 Valdidentro (SO) - IT

Tel: +39 339.5031170

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