Monaco Egidio
Egidio Monaco was born in Capracotta (Is) in 1948. He lives and works in Rome, alternating long stays in his hometown.
He has exhibited his artworks in several shows in Italy and abroad.
The artist realizes landscapes where the main subject is the light blue sky and where the ocher’s and green’s hues that abate through the horizon prevail.
Careful observer of a nature threaten by industrialization and technological progress, Egidio Monaco started alert the society expressing his fear of the smog in 1968. His environmental commitment is a characterizing element of his artworks.
"Among the author’s favorite themes we could find silent figures submerged in luxuriant landscapes and in variegated still life which are dealt with an extreme coherence (...). In this way, the material mixtures of Egidio Monaco take off in large suffuse roughed coats, just about tapped or, if it is preferred, spotted. However, them let the black of the preparation surface be seen, that are colored accent marks that animate the structure of the painting. From these emerge often nearly mysterious effects which make the luminous transfers more precious. From Egidio Monaco’s paintings emerge unbridled the recall at Molise, land that is special to him not only because it is his hometown but also because is the source of inspiration of lots of his artworks soaked in crystalline air, in which the human figure is the main character beside the nature." - Franco Miele
Monaco Egidio
Via Simeto, 29-31-33 - 00198 Roma (RM) - IT
Tel: +39 06.8845520
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