Pioli Giuseppina

Giuseppina Pioli was born in Berceto (Pr) in 1951. She has attended Istituto d’Arte Paolo Toschi of Parma, where she earned the diploma of “Maestra d’arte” with the highest commendation.

She has partaken in many personal and collective exhibitions in Milan and its district, Fabriano, Istanbul, Hong Kong and Buenos Aires. In 2012, she became honorary member of Associazione Italiana Acquarellisti.

The following year she has exhibited in the show Nordisk Akvarell at the Klevfos Industrimuseum di Loten, Norway.

The artist ha received many recognitions, among which Primo Premio per l’Arte Città di Corsico, in 2014, and the prize Stella d’Argento, given to her by Gruppo Artistico Rosetum of Milan the successive year.


Giuseppina Pioli reveals in her artworks a peculiar attention to the traditional figurative and uses the watercolor technique as a clear ideological choice.


The landscapes are built with chromatic gashes that, combined with a careful formal elaboration, examine specific states of mind revealing the attention of the elements as a whole.

The animal world is an expression of a simple but deep feeling of the artist.

In her artworks there are also social contents among which the childhood and the senility, which become expression of an emotional heed of the everyday life in all its aspects.

Pioli Giuseppina

Via S. Rita da Cascia, 35 - 20143 Milano (MI) - IT

Tel: +39 339.1643896


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