Rizzi Tiziana

Tiziana Rizzi was born in Cremona in 1955. Here, she has attended Scuola d’arte Leonardo. She currently lives in Macherio (Mb) and works in Lissone (Mb) at Studio PERLARTE.


She is a polyhedral artist and realizes artworks basically figurative, experimenting different materials and modes of operation.

In the lasts decades, she has been specialized in pictorial interventions on pottery and on canvas using mixed media.


The critic Mario De Leo comments on her artworks in this manner: “these artistic forms have allowed and fertilized the curiosity bringing in and involving a sensitive person like Tiziana Rizzi who practices the artistic activity for years, elevating the substance in a figurative field that has expressive possibilities unsuilled”.

In her artworks, floral subjects, geometric rhythms and religious new-icons, that are defined “(...) polished ideofacts imbued with inprogress poetics ”, prevail.


She has in her credit several exhibitions. Her artworks are in private collections in Italy and abroad.

Rizzi Tiziana

Studio PERLARTE Via Mosé Bianchi, 2/c - 20035 Lissone (MB) - IT

Tel: +39 347 2302732


1 comments Write new

Vilma Tedoldi

Scusa, ma vorrei sapere se sei Tiziana che viveva a Cremona in via gerundio e ha frequentato le cannosiane. Grazie


Tiziana Rizzi

Ciao Wilma, Si sono proprio quella Tiziana


Vilma Tedoldi

Ciao.fatti sentire, farebbe piacere sia a me che Margherita.