Tancredi Angela
Angela Tancredi was born in Casaletto Spartano (Sa). She lives and works in Torraca (Sa).
From her point of view, the research and the craft experimentation play a leading role in the conception of the artworks. The artist ranges between traditional oil colors and experimental techniques with ashes.
Unique effects built on a sponge material surface that, in contrast with the characteristic gleam of oil colors, restores sensorial and emotional (besides figurative) substances of the most unusual perspectives to the viewer. Furthermore, these effects are “playful”, in the meaning that the elements
which rule the vision and the relations intertwined between the image of a reference reality (although it is evoked
or illusory) that the subject has in itself (because it is seen like this) and the image given to the viewer “get into the play”. Oreven: it is the translation of the idea that the subject has of the world, starting with the pictorial one." - Natale Antonio Rossi
"Approaching the study of an artwork you look for the artist’s peculiar ability to make its work unique either with ordinary shapes and materials and with formerly established languages, besides its formal properties. The artworks of Angela Tancredi are realized with instruments that reveal in themselves a prestigious originality and show a fantasy and a creativity which are rarely found in painters who study the artistic movements. In fact, Angela Tancredi is beyond every consolidated model and every “ism”, touching us with her secret knowledge of the color that permits her to create from the ash, the dust, the spices ..." - Beppe Palomba
Tancredi Angela
Via Spadarea, 4 - 84030 Torraca (SA) - IT
Tel: +39 320.6844754
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