Antica Cereria
A unique restaurant in Parma that that encloses two distinct souls
Antica Cereria is a unique restaurant in Parma that that encloses two distinct souls linked together to offer tradition and innovation.
Three rooms and 2 separate kitchens (brasserie and traditional cuisine) as well as a pastry and pasta laboratory.
High quality meat, traditional Parmesan cuisine and a laboratory that produces handmade pasta and delicious desserts created only for the Ancient Cereria.
From the original stone cellar with vaulted walls, you can choose your favourite wine or traditionally cured dressed-cold cuts and cheeses.
Antica Cereria
Borgo Rodolfo Tanzi, 5 - 43125 Parma (PR) - IT
Tel: +39 0521.207387 - Cell. +39 347.7880407
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